A fellow film colleague posted a link to a set of celebrity images. Some of those images had been photoshopped by Danny Evans to give his “artist’s impression” of what these celebrities might have looked like without makeup, hair stylists, fashion stylists, diets, personal trainers, botox and a battery of […]
War Prayers ~ Mark Twain and Lao Tse on the artlessness of war
We’re too good to be this political ~ Be the change you want to see in the world
Teach Your Children Well ~ A Manifesto
Ingrid Karklins: A Passion to Race the Sky
To Kill a Mockingbird: the courage of Atticus Finch
Courage is…: Joannie Rochette & Petra Majdič
Peter Gabriel & Ken Follet: Fear, the mother of violence
The party has already begun: 2010 in Vancouver and I Believe
They’re here. Turquoise jacketed volunteers and orange vested police converge on the city. They’re here. They’re everywhere. Tomorrow, the world’s biggest winter party and carnival begins in this grey, wet city. Is this the first winter Olympics ever held in a place where the grass is green? Where the vines […]