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The Facebook Page

Join us on FacebookAll new blog posts are announced on the My Muse Facebook Fanpage. I also post music, videos and quotes there that don’t quite make for an entire blog post. Like the rest of FB, it’s a social and friendly place and you’ll find folks are more likely to comment there than on the blog. Come play with us while I keep you up to date on new blog posts.

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Follow us on Twitter @MyMuse_TheArts Notifications of new blog posts and Facebook Fan Page activity get tweeted to the Twitter account MyMuse_TheArts . I even post the odd tweet. ;)

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RSS Feed

Subscribe to our main RSS FeedFor those of you familiar with RSS, Atom and news aggregators, follow My Muse through the main feed. It’s hosted via Feedburner and those guys are clever enough to deliver the newsfeed so that it can be read on nearly all RSS and Atom based aggregators. Clever!

Simply add it to your news aggregator and you’ll get notification every time I publish something new. You can also subscribe to the RSS feed in your Google or Yahoo Homepage.

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There’s a feed for every author, category and tag, so you can be selective about your subscription. Here’s a full list of feeds.