‘Grace’ is among my favourite words. There is divinity in it, and poise, as there is in this little girl’s voice, and in her being. Rhema Marvanne is, apparently, all of 7 years old. An age of innocence, so there should be no surprise there’s not a hint of wretchedness […]
Get Miles Away to find your way home ~ Gomez, Thomas Moore and Tristan
Cycling Mantras ~ Establishing Desert Rhythms
I know why you’re crying ~ Orbison & lang know why too
Passport to Paradise ~ Three songs you’ve almost certainly never heard before…
Hearts traveling faster than the speed of love ~ the B-52s, Topaz
A vivid memory of dancing solo on an Australian beach, the full moon intermittently obscured by racing clouds even as its rays glitterred off the cascading breakers pounding the beach. This song, Topaz, blasting at top volume from the small portable stereo speakers attached to my iPod. A breathless churning […]